Life Giving Foods
Our Journey...
We are busy making mouth watering, probiotic, raw, organic, naturally fermented Sauerkraut and sharing our healing and exciting story of Life Giving Foods in person with so many beautiful Local Utah people! We hope to meet you soon!
This all started back in 2014 when I was going through a rough period of life. I moved in with my older brother and something amazing started happening to my body. My energy incrased, my hair and skin were coming to life and I started to loose all my extra weight. I was about 200lbs at the time. What was happening is my sister in law was feeding me Fermented Foods and it started to transform me from the inside out. I moved out a few months later and committed to my self to keep Fermentation going. I got my own copy of Sally Fallon's book "Nourishing Traditions" and started to educating my self on long lost traditions and perspectives on nutrition. My good friends Richard Snowball, Eric Ward and I teamed up weekly to make Sourdough Bread, Kombucha, Kefir Water, Sauerkraut, Lacto Fermented Veggies and more... We were blown away by the simplicity and benefits to our health. Our passion for fermented foods spread quickly to all of our friends and family. The stories of success, healing, weight loss, etc came rolling in.
As our worlds health problems increase, the need for fermented foods and Probiotics are becoming more important. We need all the "Good bugs" we can get to help fight off all the "Bad bugs"
We are excited to keep sharing and spreading this Life Saving, Life Enhancing and Life Giving Information with as many people as possible.
~ Moshe Rona ~
Join our monthly subscription program to get discounted Sauerkraut!
Pay only $20/month for a 32oz jar of Classic Sauerkraut. Visit us at one of the local Farmer's Markets to pick up your Sauerkraut! Cya soon!